We had a two days religious vacations (for mourning!). My cousins and I had a lot of time to watch some movies. Most of the movies were mess, I was wondering why should I write about those bad movies in my blog? And I found the reason: The benefit is first, getting rid of them and throw them away from my mind, second, to alarm my readers to not to waste their time on them. Yes I care about your time, I am careful you know.
Here are the movies:Borat (2006)

Directed by: Larry Charles
My Rate: 0/5
I don't know why it has such a high rate in imdb (7.8 now)! Did people really like it? It's the story of a Kazakh TV reporter who is sent to US to make a documentary of life in US for Kazakh TV. All I saw in the movie was that Borat (and Kazakhs) are illiterate and uncultured and that makes jokes about them. It's not about culture shocks it's about insulting people who are not like Americans as showing them villain villagers who sleep with their sisters, who defecate in the street, who fall in love with prostitudes and blah blah. Never waste your time on this film.

The Grudge II (2006)
Directed by: Takashi Shimizu
My Rate: 1/5
It's the story of a ghost in a haunted house taking the lives of everyone in her way, no matter if he/she is guilty or did something wrong about the ghost. It's a crap too.
Apocalypto (2006)
Directed by: Mel Gibson
My Rate: 2/5

I never liked Mel Gibson films even his most polemic film: The Passions of Christ. In this film he is back again to the most destructive and wild part of human species, his greed. And again with lots of violent and gore images. It's about a small Mayan tribe who are ambushed by some other wild tribe and slaved for some frightening purpose. It's full of action and killing and I don't like watch and enjoy them Mr Gibson, why should I?
La Doublure (The Valet) (2006)
Directed by: Francis Veber
My Rate: 3/5

Francois is a valet, living in a small shared apartment with his colleage, he has a girlfriend and is going to propose her to marry, but suddenly he falls into a famous and rich supermodel's love life with a CEO (Daniel Auteuil). He is payed to play the role of the supermodel's lover for some days to feed the paparazzi media.
That was my best movie this week. It's another happy French film about love and relationships. Lovely Paris locations, beautiful Parisiennes, and women's tricks to take over their men make this a quite funny and relaxing movie. I recommend it if you like French movies.