Our memory is weak. I think that a film, or a book can be considered a good one, only when after some time, you can still remember the story, the name of the main characters or maybe some dialogue lines. Books or films which you have recently seen can lead you into confusion: You need to take your time in order to ground an opinion on them.
Call me a fool, but I named myself after a book I have recently read. It's probably too soon to say, but this book is one of the best ones I have read within the last few years (along with the second part: 'The Black Book').
The book tells the story of a man, who is incredibly rich. Rich enough to buy things that nobody else could pay, and to keep being the richest man on Earth. He has the money to start the most extravagant collections that you can imagine, to travel the world without a destination and to arrange interviews with the most influential personalities in the 20th century (see picture).
If I only said that, nobody would probably believe that a book including fictitious interviews could be a good one. If you think that, you should read some biography about Giovanni Papini. He was probably the last humanist, and one of the greatest readers of all times.
Some people say he didn't succeded writing a novel which would have given him a popularity through the years, but the works he wrote are good enough to take him in consideration.
I don't know if in a few years I'll regard this work with so much passion as I do today, but, this book is really in its way to became a personal cult book. It proposes a big thema to talk about in each chapter, and gives an opinion on it. I'd recomend this book to people who enjoy very much comparing, debating or just hearing different opinions on topics, we all already have thought about.
I'll leave here this quote by Papini, so I'll be able to find it easily next time.
"If it's true that in each friend there's a potential enemy, Why can't it be, that behind each enemy, is hidden a friend, waiting for his turn?"