You may have felt sometime that somebody is watching you over from behind or from a nearly far distance and you turn back and see that yes, a friend or a stranger is looking at you. It sometimes happens to me. I can't tell when I have this third eye open it's very unconscious. Yesterday afternoon I was walking to the company to do some extra work and I felt the same but this time from high above in the sky, where it was a long time I had not take a look at it!
I just stood and didn't want to miss that brilliant beautiful strange blue in the sky. It was 4:30 pm, and the sky wasn't that sunset red, it was partially cloudy with a magnificent dark blue in a proudly fluffy full of rain cloud. I wish I had a camera to take some photos of the scene through some awkward buildings in that alley. It was a blue that I had just seen in photoshop!
Anyway it feels like the winter is passing and Esfand (March) is coming with it's great unsteady weather. Spring is on its way, just about 44 days to Norooz and the moral of this story is: sometimes look at the sky.
i remembre the last time i look at the sky was the time when we are coming to bojnord,the time was 4:10 and the sky was bright and the sun was shinig and speeking , dancing and coming straight toward your eyes . u can easily look at the sun and answer its words with a happy face-you know the sun becomes too knid when it let you to look staight to its eyes-by the way sometimes like this time, the cuolds become much more beautiful than the big big sun, the clouds were shining too and dancing and playing ,you feel that behind each of these pieces there were cute child by bye you,the sky was birillant.in almost about 10 minutes the sky went from shinig blue to dark blue to yellow blue to yellow perpule to purple brown to dark purples and ...it was perfect.you could feel that someone 's there playing with a big polet of perfect and pure colors .it made me too calm and happy .
sky is always a big mystry for me and sometimes i hesitate to look at it cause it makes me really scared cause its too real and pure.it's the place where are the winds,are the lights,are the stars and all the childs and all the perfect ones and all the soalds come from and come to,the palce that you think someone's there and hear your numb voice,
the place witch no architect can not floor it by grass and sand or dost or stone ,it's not like an earth beside your foot and head,maybe human kind can make more and more land ,mountains or maybe sea or lakes but they can not make any more sky.
you can travel truogh it by plane but when you see this sky from near distance every thing will change,the clouds the sun the stars won't be the same as you see from far on earth.
so for me the sky is somewhere i m better always be far from it ,look at it and dream about it.it's really a perfect place for my dreams and imagination.
maybe sometime i can see the real real sence of this sky above like Anoosheh Ansari;)
Once at midnight on Sizdebedar(Iranian holiday for family and nature), we were at Taleqan. there were a electricity failure and I rushed out. I have no idea what a beautiful dark sky with lots of bright bright stars I saw that night. I can't find words to express that feeling.
Anyway, expect strange things from sky! no matter what time it is or what month it is.
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