During 1996 Asian Cup our national football team defeated Korea 6 - 2, that was a great achievement because even in football we have been always behind them. The man of the match was today's best scorer of the whole football history in the world: Ali Daei, who scored 4 of 6 goals.
Daei has had the undeniable position as the team captain till the last FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany. But that wasn't easy for him to hold the position. As he got more and more famous he became the target of the most envious critics inside Iran. From one side he became the best scorer of all time with 100+ goals in international matches, but from the other side he was cruelly criticized by the media because he had some deficiencies during some matches and the media and people following them wanted him to retire. Finally all pressures made the national team coaches to omit the long term captain from the list.
He didn't gave up. As he was playing in a mediocre team in Iranian Premiere League, he accepted to coach that team in the middle of the season, and in the end, that mediocre team was the champion of the league with Ali Daei's last goal. He abandoned playing football with glory and with all the envious people who always tried to destroy him.
I once read somewhere describing Daei's personality, it said: "He is the kind of men that has plans for everything, except for his death". And I saw him in an interview when he was asked: "Is there anything in the world that you like to exchange football with it?" and he said: "I exchange football with every good thing in the world. Football is just a small part of my life, I've got many other plans and issues that I like to follow, football isn't my everything."
He is the man of his plans and fighting for his plans.
English please! I don't know Portuguese.
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I think it's just an advertisement. :(
About the article, I can onlñy say that I saw a picture of Ali Daei as he participated in the last World Cup. I know nothing about him, except what you have written.
In football I have heard many stories like that one. It happens to many soccer-superstars as they grow old. They make a series of bad matches, and everybody's on them, saying that they should retire.
BTW, did you saw? the team of my city won the UEFA cup this year too. It's been two consecutive years, and now we have the chance to win the national cup and the national league. In the league there's very few chances, but we have our chances in the cup!
Is it Portuguese or Spanish or you know Portuguese too?!
About football, sorry I no longer watch TV, all I know is from papers and I just eye scan the sports page! But anyway congratulations for your team and good luck! ;)
Yes, I took a course on portuguese, and I learnt a lot. The secret is that Portuguese is very similar to spanish, although it can sound very differently (maybe we could find an analogy in polish-czech or swedish-norweigan-danish)
Normally spaniards do not learn portuguese, because it can be easily understood, just by paying attention and asking the speaker to talk slowly. I don't know if you ever noticed, but if you're capable of speaking the language of the person who speaks to you, this person is usually much nicer.
I learn portuguese because it's (for me!) an easy language, spoken by more of 200 mill. people (Brazil+Portugal+Some Regions in Africa), and it is for sure worth learning it. Apart from that, learning languages is one of the things I like most. I already told you about my plans for the summer: I'll try farsi for 1 hour a day (maybe 1,5 or even 2 hours). I didn't told you, but my intention is to spend 30 minutes a day reading a portuguese grammar book and a card-game to learn vocabulary and how to write correctly, and therefore, making my portuguese better.
I want to add more information to your post:
Daei became the first Asian player to feature in a UEFA Champions League match. In 2000 he played in the Champions League with Hertha BSC Berlin, becoming the teams best scorer in the league with 3 goals. His famous match against Chelsea gained him a lot of recognition.
He is also very famous for being a "gentleman", the name which was given to him even in Germany where he used to play, because of his moderate behavior.
We here in Iran don't let him to be as gentleman as he was in Europe because of those critics you mentioned.
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