I read Faust last summer. As everybody says only the first part of the book, until Faust meets Helene, is understandable for someone who doesn't have a coverage on Roman and Greek mythology. Anyway it's a great book. Like any other I scribbled some quotes of it that I liked, and since I don't want to lose it, I'll write them here in the blog.
What comes is a translation of a translation:
From the opening of the book:
"Blend a little truth with much imagination,
Paint the clouds with just one ray of sunlight,
Then be sure that you'll overcome all problems,
Your audience get impressed and delighted,
All they need is a mirror not a painting,
Let them come every night and watch themselves in it,
And do not forget the love,
That's only with love that they keep cheering,
And we keep making money,
Make a big fire for the youth to gather around,
To keep it alive, always,
And to take blaze."
God talking to Devil:
"As long as he lives on earth you are allowed to tempt him, Anyone who walks, can get lost!"
"Human gets lazy most of the time, he likes inertia, and I like someone active and agitative beside him, although be able to create, someone like Devil"
Down to earth, hopeless but arrogant Faust talks to himself:
"I see that we cannot understand anything,
That's what makes me nervous,
No longer obsession,
No longer doubt,
No more fear of the devil,
Nor hell,
That's why I have nothing joyful in life."
Mephistopheles interrupts Faust's solitude:
"Evils and ghosts have a rule,
They must get out just from the door,
They've got in,
We are empowered by ourselves at first,
But we are enforced by the other, after that."
"There exists none of the four elements in this animal!"
Mephistopheles gives a sarcastic solution for Faust's skepticism:
"That's the way which needs no money, no medical science, no magic. Go to the farms right now. Hoe the land, and keep your mind in a close circle. Be happy with a simple food, live like an animal among other animals, and do not take it a low job to manure the farm by your own hands, and believe me that's the best way to become 80 years younger!"
Mephistopheles to the Faust's girlfriend and her mother:
"Nice idea! The one who overcomes his ego, will be victorious certainly. The church has a good stomach, it has swallowed whole countries and never has got sick. Dear ladies, the illegitimate money can only be digested by the church"
Mephistopheles to Faust:
"Nature is bound to the sin, and intelligence with the devil. I cansee the doubt as an illegitimate and ugly son between them"
Mephistopheles to Faust:
"who can have either a foolish or brilliant idea that nobody ever had before? Think! The Devil is old. You should get old to know him"
"Finally we are dependent to our own creatures."
Who told this?
"You are, before you have the right to be."
The Distress:
"The one I cover under my wings,
Has no tendency to the world,
There's no sunrise or sunset,
In his eyes covered by an eternal mist,
The darkness lingers in him.
The treasures he longs for them, in vain,
He can get with a glimpse of an eye.
Fortune, misfortune,
Everything is annoying for him.
He'll die of hunger as he is rich.
Joy or Sorrow,
He postpones it to tomorrow.
He always thinks about tomorrow."
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